Thursday, February 5, 2015


Welcome to my blog.  This is for a class assignment, but it'll be fun to have an outlet for my random thoughts or t.v. recommendations or whatever this turns out to be.  You may notice that the URL is Poor Yorick Entertainment.  But this blog will not be devoted to Hamlet, David Foster Wallace nor Infinite Jest.  Even though IJ is probably my favorite book.  Now that I think about it, I should say that this blog also will not be devoted to Kurt Vonnegut.  Literary references abound.
Tonight I kinda want to talk about regrets.  Regret being the word I've settled on, but which really seems insufficient to accurately define such a wide array of emotions involved.  But it'll suffice for simplicity's sake.  I've been thinking a lot about how freighted my mind is with regrets from my past. And I kinda got my ass handed to me Wednesday night for it (by a good and wise friend).  He doesn't understand how I cannot be 'over it' already after I've worked really hard to do so.  I have literally done these things in this order:  I have made a list of the bad things I've done; I have told someone about these bad things;  I have identified the cause behind said bad things; having identified the cause, worked to remove those defects in my character; made a list of people I've hurt; apologized to them for it.  So like, after all this, I'm supposed to feel better.  And I do, don't get me wrong.  But I'm not at a place where I could say that I don't regret my past, nor wish to shut the door on it like I've been promised I would.  It will take more time.  Is there enough time?  Will there ever be a day when I won't feel like I ruined my life?  Or better, ruined my chance at having a life that I thought I wanted?  I went back and italicized those three words because I think that is where the real pain stems from.  A couple of years ago I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of what I felt could be my ideal life.  In fact, I was convinced that my whole prior existence had lead me to that point.  It was destiny and it could not be challenged.  But in time I found out what a tenuous grasp I really had on it.  It is gone absolutely now.  And I wonder sometimes if it's the thing itself that I miss?  Or is it how it made me feel that I miss?  Was it how it connected my life and made it feel complete and happy that I miss?  The whole ordeal shook my faith and made me question everything I believed in.  I've been angry over it too.  I've been judged harshly and forsaken.  That's the thing!  What I did wasn't even necessarily unforgivable.  But my lame attempt at being honest and probably going a little overboard caused some confusion in the details and some misunderstandings occurred and then it was too late to try to set some of those things straight.  I tried anyway.  So now I'm just stuck like this.  Having only faith in the fact that nothing like this will ever happen to me again.  So there you go, something good did come out of it.